Jun 13, 2010

Police Officers Are Tracked With GPS Devices

According to common stereotype police are considered to be ordinary donut lovers who always abuse speed limits and are fond of making small breaks to have a cup of coffee. Police departments try to control the activity of their officers but only now they got such a possibility.

And GPS trackers can be extremely helpful in that situation. GPS trackers are used for monitoring shipments, tracking the speed of young drivers and of course for monitoring police officers. GPS signals that are installed in the police cars will send special signal to satellite. With the help of this signal Police department will track the exact location of the police car, its speed and direct of travel. And this information can be accessed from any PC with the Internet connection. And with the help of digital maps all info from GPS trackers can be processed to get a detailed picture of the police unit’s root and the time of parking of the police car in some location. And that info can be easily used to check the work of the police units.

One policeman has already been fired from Police Department because of the results of GPS tracking. According to the information collected with a GPS tracking device from his car, Ronald Goulet had not been patrolling his area properly. GPS information showed that he often left his car and spent lots of time in his home. After uncovering of that information, the policeman was suspended from his duties.